Every knee shall before who?
Answer: the One God!
Who is the One God?
There is One God, the Father Alone - Pastor Mark A. Jones
What is true Messianic teaching about God? What was original Christian theology? The Father alone is the True God. He alone is the God of gods. Scriptures considered include - Isaiah 45.22-23, Mark 12.28-30, Mark 12.32,34, 1 Corinthians 8.4-6, 1 Timothy 2.3-6
What will every tongue confess to the glory of the One God?
Answer: That Jesus Christ is Lord!
What does that mean?
The Lord Jesus is Not the Lord God - J. Dan Gill
That Jesus is Lord does not mean that he is God. Scriptures considered include Psalm 110.1, Philippians 2.9-11, Romans 10.9, Acts 2.34-36, Matthew 7.21-22.