In this and the next podcast, Dale Tuggy engages with an episode by Cold Case Christianity apologist J. Warner Wallace called “Why is the Trinity an Essential Doctrine?”
Topics in this first part include:
- The objection that the word “Trinity” isn’t in the Bible, and the much stronger objection that the idea of tripersonal God isn’t there.
- Inference to the best explanation, and how that method of reasoning would be done regarding “the doctrine of the Trinity.”
- In the New Testament do we see Jesus worshiped as God?
- The Jewish background of the New Testament and Jesus’ own Jewish monotheism.
- The Old Testament idea of the creator as being the ultimate source of the cosmos and how this is not compatible with being the instrument through which the one creator acted.
- His argument that the Bible obviously implies that the one God is a Trinity based on Yahweh-only qualities: omnipotence (really: being the creator), omniscience, omnipresence, omnibenevolence, and being referred to with the word “God.”
- Whether the New Testament authors believe the Holy Spirit to be to be a divine person in addition to the Father and the Son.
Listen to part 1 here.
In the second part we hear the rest of the podcast by Cold Case Christianity apologist and former cold case detective J. Warner Wallace.
In this part he tries to define “the doctrine of the Trinity” by quoting a portion of the so-called “Athanasian Creed.” He then argues that this doctrine is necessary for understanding the atonement, and gives his version of the philosophical argument that God could not be a single someone because then he would fail to be perfect in love.
Dale Tuggy critiques these arguments, then Dale Tuggy shares four of the many facts which led him to reconsider his position on the Bible and “the doctrine of the Trinity.”
Listen to part 2 here.